Fo4 feels like a survival game and a shooting game in a post-apocalypse setting and that’s the perfect game for me. Log in to view your list of favourite games. The overgrown mod is absolutely stunning. This mod will be awhile before it is 100 percent done. Right off the bat let me say that I enjoy gameplay better than story and role playing. I'm currently experimenting with having both on at once, and although I do like it, maybe it's a bit too much. I'm planning on upgrading to a rtx3090 in the near future was going to try again then cause if you don't need precombines that opens the doors to a lot more mods that can be ran.

Vous pourrez ainsi redécouvrir les lieux emblématiques du jeu avec de l’herbe, des arbres et des buissons luxuriants, ce qui confère à Fallout 4 une toute autre ambiance qui mérite largement le coup d’œil.Télécharger Regrowth Overhaul. This mod is different from other environmental mods as i have redone the previs and precombines for the entire map.

If you need help installing the ENB, watch this video.The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. For New Vegas I recommend Overgrowth ENB. Watch the video below for a "live" demonstration. Midhrastic ENB for Fallout 3 - This little mod (lighting overhaul) will make your game look amazing. However, if you want to go all green, feel free to install the Forested Edition. Flora Overhaul at Fallout3 - I recommend using the Dead Edition because it's more lore friendly. You'll have to be registered at Nexus (free) and have basic knowledge of mods though. I want more! Here are two mods I use to make my Fallout look amazing. You can even have 10 if you want, but be careful: even the 40 value will significantly reduce FPS outdoors don't change it to 10 or your game might become unplayable! Also, if you're after a performance boost or just want less grass for whatever reason, raise iMinGrassSize to a value such as 150 to considerably thin out the grass in the wasteland.Ĭool! Now I have a lot of grass, but. Want more grass in Fallout 3? Lower this value like this: iMinGrassSize=40. IMinGrassSize value controls the density of grass clumps in your game. C:\Users\Fawkes\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\