T3 I've only ever seen be neutral or Light Side, so thats not too big a deal. Visas they can still add the Dark Side version of. If they do the Kotor 2 followers I hope they make both Jedi and Sith versions since you can train them either way. I'd love to see a Bao-Dur/Maul/Savage team in 3v3 (evil version of course) Handmaiden, Kreia (Neutral Version), Hanharr, Mira, G0-T0, Atton, maybe even Vogga the Hut and/or Visquis.īut sometime next year when there's a natural break in the action so to speak. I'm not so much for KOTOR2 content as we already have the bad guys, but there's plenty more stuff to be had from the SWTOR mmo, like Malgus, Juggernaut, Sorcerer, Khem Val, etc. I imagine they're working with a very large pool of potential toons at any given time, and they probably start working on some characters long before they're released. Even T3, which I completed his Upgrades sidequest meaning I had high Influence with him, was deep on the Dark Side spectrum when he should be Light. When I checked my Character overview, I was max Light Side, my companions were Max Dark (save for Kreia).

That's true, and that is exactly why this is the time to start floating ideas. She literally turned into her Dark Side model mid-cutscene. They'll probably come back for KotOR 2 some day, but not any time soon. The Old Republic cycle is over for the year.